Playground Buddies
A group of KS2 children who give up time to support the productive play of KS1 & Early Years children. See Mrs Cowie for further details.
Teacher Support - Mrs Cowie
Playground Buddies are pupils who help to make playtime a happy time for children. Children interested in becoming Playground Buddies signed up at the beginning of the year. Selected children have been given training before working in the playground. A rota is drawn up, so all buddies are on duty for different playtimes during the week.
Playground buddies will meet on a half-termly basis to discuss playtime games and activities. Teachers will also explain expectations and provide examples of how to solve playtime problems.
The role of Playground Buddies involves:
- helping children find new friends
- making children feel comfortable and welcome
- including children who are lonely and helping them to play games
- giving support to children to find solutions to a problem
- being fair and not taking sides
- helping children if they fall over and comforting them
- helping children to find something if they’ve lost it in the playground
- teaching new games based on children’s suggestions
- asking the lunchtime supervisors if they are unsure of what to do in a situation