Nursery - SG
Hello! We are Nursery and our class hero is Saint George.
Saint George is the patron saint of England and we celebrate him every year on the 23rd of April. He lived a long time ago and was a soldier. Saint George is celebrated for his courage by protecting people and he always tried his best to do good things for others. Legend has it he even saved people from a dragon!
In High Spen Nursery, we celebrate being courageous in all that we do. Nursery is a place where we practice being brave, trying all kinds of new experiences. We are kind to each other and like Saint George, do good for others as we grow and learn about ourselves and the world around us. We are courageous, we are kind, we are SG.
This year we have Mrs Bainbridge as our class teacher, supported by Mrs Kerridge, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Maddison.